Main information about car part KLEBER 401560
Producer KLEBER
Number 401560
Description Dynaxer UHP, KLEBER, Letnia, Opona osobowa, XL, 401560, etykiety: Od 01.05.2021: kl. efekt. paliwowej - B kl. przycz. na mokrej naw. - A wart. pom. i kl. zew. hałasu tocz. - 69 dB (A) przyczepność n
The other parts with the same number "401560"
SCHLIECKMANN 401560 Front Cowling
KLARIUS 401560 Mounting Kit, catalyst converter
QUINTON HAZELL 401560 Mounting Kit, catalyst converter
SPIDAN 401560 Brake Caliper
SEIM 401560 Clutch Cable