Main information about car part POLCAR G661950
Producer POLCAR
Number G661950
Description Защита шарнира
Guard ofjoint equal angular skoroostej {vneshn.}; Guard ofjoint of equal angular velocities
Analogue of POLCAR G661950
JAPANPARTS JAPANPARTS GJ5400 GJ5400 Guard ofjoint equal angular skoroostej {vneshn.}
JP JP GJ5400JP GJ5400JP Guard ofjoint of equal angular velocities
MALCORP MALCORP GJ5400MP GJ5400MP Guard ofjoint equal angular skoroostej {vneshn.}
OE OE 44333SD2003 44333SD2003 Guard ofjoint equal angular skoroostej {vneshn.}
OEM OEM 44333SD2003 44333SD2003 Защита шарнира