Manufacturer Part Number Description
DETALKA 053151231031 coupling bearing vizhimnogo GAZELLE-BUSINESS h engine. Cummins ISF 2.8 UAZ (analogue SACHS) (DETALKA)
DETALKA 1118-2906040 Sleeve stabilizer VAZ 1117-19, 2170 front (polyurethane) (DETALKA)
DETALKA 120-3003032/66/67-01 R/To traction Toермовий ZIL,GAS 3308 'СадToо' ПRЕМІУМ (вToладиші steel, пильниTo силіToоновий) (DETALKA)
DETALKA 1300.3737 Vimicach masi GAS, GASЕЛЬ, MTZ (12IN, 50A) (midna winding, midday contacts) (DETALKA)
DETALKA 130-1000101-01 Kiltsa pistons ZIL R1=100,5 mm (chromium-molybdenum, white-chorne, on 1 piston To-Toт) (DETALKA)
DETALKA 130-1106011 Pump palivny ZIL 130 (gaskets PARONITOV 2 pieces) PREMIUM (DETALKA)
DETALKA 130-3509167 Kiltsa pistons compressor KAMAZ, ZIL PREMIUM (R0=60.0 mm, To-Toт on 2 pistons) (DETALKA)
DETALKA 2101-1307013 Stuffing box water pump VAZ, GAS, MAZ, КАMAZ, UAZ (17х37х21) (DETALKA)
DETALKA 2108-2914054 Silent block rear beams VAZ 2108-2109 (polyurethane) (DETALKA)
DETALKA 2108-3414070 Hinge kermovoy traction internal VAZ 2108 'grenade' (polyurethane) (DETALKA)
DETALKA 2121-2906046 Pillow rods stabilizer front VAZ 2121 (small, polyurethane) (DETALKA)
DETALKA 2123-2906046 Pillow rods stabilizer front VAZ 2123 (set 6 PC. polyurethane) (DETALKA)
DETALKA 236-1005160 Stuffing box shaft Colonic YaMZ DOUBLE BREATHED reverse GREEN (140х170х16-2.2, guma NBR) (DETALKA)
DETALKA 240-1007020 Stuffing box valve D 240,243,245,260 FLUORINE RUBBER (8 PC., d=10 mm, brown) (DETALKA)
DETALKA 245-1104180-А1-06 Hose palivny GAS 3309,MTZ,GROOVE (EURO pressing, L=1045 mm, dv.MMZ 245 EURO-2) ND (DETALKA)
DETALKA 3105-1203163 Shock absorber GAS 3302 suspensions jammer (polyurethane) (DETALKA)
DETALKA 3302-2402800-01 R/To head transmission bridge rear GAZELLE, SABLE (5 naymenuwan, ToомплеToтуючі ПRЕМІУМ) (DETALKA)
DETALKA 3302-6107126 Ushchilnyuvach I'll open the door doors GAS 3302 EPDM (L=4 m, front doors) (DETALKA)
DETALKA 402.1000100-01 Kiltsa pistons 92,5 M/TO 2410,3302,53 (chromium-molybdenum, white-chorne, on 4 piston To-Toта) (DETALKA)
DETALKA 421.1004024-Р1 Kiltsa pistons 100,5 R1 GAZELLE (dv. 4215) ,UAZ (dv. 4218,13,16) (on 1 piston To-Toт) (DETALKA)
DETALKA 4301-6107126-01 Ushchilnyuvach I'll open the door doors GAS 3307,4301 EPDM (L=3,5 m, on alone doors) (DETALKA)
DETALKA 452-3819020 Cable speedometer UAZ 452 dovgy (L=3250 mm) V collection (DETALKA)
DETALKA 52-2905486 Sleeve wooha shock absorber GAS 53, GROOVE (polyurethane) (DETALKA)
DETALKA 53-12-3550010 R/To гідроваToуумного p_dsilyuvacha GAS 53,3307 ПRЕМІУМ (8 naymenuwan, povniy) (DETALKA)
DETALKA 5320-2502000 R/To bridge middle KAMAZ (4-those hiring) (DETALKA)
DETALKA 5320-3408020 Hose power steering KAMAZ high vice (DETALKA)
DETALKA 5320-3506369 Hose primacha mechanical showman sensor vice oils PREMIUM (L=1500 mm, screw-union)(DETALKA)
DETALKA 53212-2905486 Sleeve wooha shock absorber KAMAZ (polyurethane) (DETALKA)
DETALKA 6520-2912408 Ladder resori rear KAMAZ M30х2,0 L=480 ПРЕMIУM (forged, h nut) DETALKA
DETALKA 66-01-1602511-10 Cylinder zcheplennya worker GAS 53,3307 <piglet> (DETALKA)
DETALKA 66-3408150-Б1 Hose power steering GAS 3309,4301,66 (EURO crimp, suppurative, sorted) (DETALKA)
DETALKA 740.1003213-20 R/To engine KAMAZ (3 hiring) ФТОRСИЛІКОН (DETALKA)
DETALKA 740.1117009 R/To filter scorching тонToого purification KAMAZ, GAS 4301 (3-th name it) ФТОRСИЛІКОН (DETALKA)
DETALKA 740.1303099 R/To systems refrigeration (3 hiring, before ЄВRО 1) ФТОRСИЛІКОН (DETALKA)
DETALKA 740.1307075 R/To systems refrigeration (2 hiring) ФТОRСИЛІКОН (DETALKA)
DETALKA 7406-1012086 R/To filter oil KAMAZ ЄВRО 1,2,3 (2-A нAйменувAння) ФТОRСИЛІКОН (DETALKA)
DETALKA 864129-02 Stuffing box matochini rear KAMAZ DOUBLE BREATHED h spring PREMIUM NBR hелений (DETALKA)
DETALKA 864130 R/To matochini Toолеса rear KAMAZ (6 naymenuwan) (DETALKA)
DETALKA ГВ20Д-3802600-01 Cable speedometer GAS, VOLGA, TO-700 (L=1400 mm) V collection (DETALKA)
DETALKA СТ142-3708800 Relay starter, what draws in KAMAZ, MAZ (midna winding, starter ST 142) (DETALKA)
DETALKA СТ25-3708800-РК R/To relay starter, what draws in, ST-25 (9 naymenuwan) MAZ,КАMAZ (DETALKA)