Main information about car part SKODA 6Q1959801A005
Producer SKODA
Number 6Q1959801A005
Group Electric Motor, window winder
Description Electric Motor, window winder
FENST.MOT.; MOTOR; window regulator motor
Analogue of SKODA 6Q1959801A005
EQUAL QUALITY EQUAL QUALITY 420151 420151 Electric Motor, window winder
SEAT SEAT 6Q1959801005 6Q1959801005 MOTOR
SEAT SEAT 6Q1959801A005 6Q1959801A005 window regulator motor
SKODA SKODA 6Q1959801005 6Q1959801005 FENST.MOT.
The other parts with the same number "6Q1959801A005"
VAG 6Q1959801A005 window regulator motor
OE 6Q1959801A005 window regulator motor
SEAT 6Q1959801A005 window regulator motor