Main information about car part VAN WEZEL 0670580
Producer VAN WEZEL
Number 0670580
Description Trim-/Protection Strip, door
Trim-/Protection Strip, bumper; Trim-/Protection Strip, radiator grill
EAN 5410909658854
Car models which VAN WEZEL 0670580 is suitable for
BMW 3  
BMW 3 Touring  
Analogue of VAN WEZEL 0670580
BLIC BLIC 5513-00-0063925P 5513000063925P Trim-/Protection Strip, door
BMW BMW 51117279699 51117279699 Trim-/Protection Strip, radiator grill
EQUAL QUALITY EQUAL QUALITY M0086 M0086 Trim-/Protection Strip, bumper
POLCAR POLCAR 20D10718 20D10718 Trim-/Protection Strip, radiator grill
PRASCO PRASCO BM0281225 BM0281225 Trim-/Protection Strip, radiator grill
The other parts with the same number "0670580"
ARCTIC CAT 0670580