Main information about car part VOLKSWAGEN 068103383DE
Number 068103383DE
Group Gasket, cylinder head
Description Gasket, cylinder head
Analogue of VOLKSWAGEN 068103383DE
AJUSA AJUSA 10072400 10072400 Gasket, cylinder head
BGA BGA CH9313 CH9313 Gasket, cylinder head
ELWIS ROYAL ELWIS ROYAL 0056079 0056079 Gasket, cylinder head
GOETZE GOETZE 30-026230-30 3002623030 Gasket, cylinder head
PAYEN PAYEN BN940 BN940 Gasket, cylinder head
TRISCAN TRISCAN 501-8528 5018528 Gasket, cylinder head
The other parts with the same number "068103383DE"
AUDI 068103383DE Gasket, cylinder head
VW 068103383DE Gasket, cylinder head
VAG 068 103 383 DE Gasket, cylinder head